Add your institution to the contributor's list

nf-core is by design a collaborative effort and would not exist if its many dedicated contributors. nf-core contributors are welcome to add their institution to the contributors page on the nf-core website.

To add your institution to the contributors page:

  1. Fork the nf-core/website GitHub repository.


    See Contributing to a project to learn how to contribute to a project through forking.

  2. Add your details and your institutional details to contributors.yaml on your fork:

    • full_name: Full name of your institution
    • short_name: Short name of your institution (e.g., an acronym)
    • description: Short description of the main activities of your institution (see contributors.yaml for examples)
    • address: Postal address of your institution
    • url: Institution URL
    • affiliation: Your affiliation (i.e., the department of your institution where you work)
    • affiliation_url: Your affiliation URL
    • image_fn: Logo filename (see below)
    • contact: Your name
    • contact_email: Your e-mail
    • contact_github: Your GitHub username
    • location: Institute location in geocoordinates format ([<longitude>, <latitude>])
    • twitter: Institution X (formerly twitter) handle (if available)
  3. Add a colour and a white SVG of your institutional logo to your fork:

    • Add a white SVG with no background to the /public/images/contributors/white/ folder.

    • Add a colour SVG with no background to the /public/images/contributors/colour/ folder.


      Both SVG files must have the name that you defined in the contributors.yaml under image_fn: and must be vectors. Do not add a SVG file with an embedded raster image.


      You are responsible for making sure that you have the permission to use your institutional logos.


      See the website repository for examples of white and colour SVGs.

  4. Open a pull request from your fork to the main branch of the nf-core/website.

  5. Share your PR on the nf-core #request-review Slack channel and wait for approval.